Dernières contributions

TypeContributionAuteurRéponsesDernière mis à jour
book pageolemeta - a tool to extract all standard properties (metadata) from OLE files such as MS Office decalage0il y a 9 an 34 semaines
book pageoletimes - a tool to extract creation and modification timestamps of all streams and storages in OLE files decalage0il y a 9 an 34 semaines
StoryOleFileIO_PL: Experimental write features decalage0il y a 9 an 38 semaines
StoryFile Scanning Frameworks for Malware Analysis and Incident Response decalage0il y a 9 an 40 semaines
StoryHow to convert Signsrch/Clamsrch signatures to Yara decalage0il y a 10 an 4 semaines
book pagertfobj - a python tool to extract embedded objects from RTF files decalage0il y a 10 an 4 semaines
book pagepyxswf - a python tool to extract SWF (Flash) objects from documents (improved xxxswf) decalage0il y a 10 an 4 semaines
book pageoleid - a python tool to quickly analyze OLE files decalage0il y a 10 an 4 semaines
book pageolebrowse - a simple python GUI to browse OLE files and extract streams decalage0il y a 10 an 4 semaines
PageBalbuzard - malware analysis tools to extract patterns of interest and crack obfuscation such as XOR decalage0il y a 10 an 4 semaines
PagePython tips - How to easily convert a list to a string for display decalage4il y a 10 an 25 semaines
PageHow to create X509 certificates for testing decalage1il y a 10 an 34 semaines
PageMy Python howtos decalage0il y a 10 an 50 semaines - a Python module to easily generate HTML tables and lists decalage35il y a 10 an 52 semaines
PageHow to parse configuration files in Python decalage4il y a 11 an 6 jours
PageOVALdi - an open-source local vulnerability assessment scanner decalage0il y a 11 an 25 semaines
Pagepywordform - a Python module to parse MS Word forms (docx) to extract field values and tags decalage0il y a 12 an 1 semaine
PageHow to package a Python app and the Python interpreter in a single EXE decalage0il y a 12 an 20 semaines
PageCherryProxy - a filtering HTTP proxy extensible in Python decalage0il y a 12 an 22 semaines
PageHow to create network servers in Python (HTTP, FTP, SMTP, SOAP, syslog, ...) decalage0il y a 12 an 27 semaines
Pagetempfilemgr - a Python module to manage temporary files decalage0il y a 13 an 9 semaines
PageCanSecWest08 - ExeFilter decalage0il y a 13 an 10 semaines
PageEUSecWest 2010 - Fighting PDF malware with ExeFilter decalage0il y a 13 an 12 semaines
PageOrigapy - a Python module to sanitize PDF files decalage3il y a 13 an 12 semaines
PagePDFiD - a Python module to analyze and sanitize PDF files decalage0il y a 13 an 31 semaines