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TypePostAuthorRepliesLast updated
PageCanSecWest08 - ExeFilter decalage013 years 24 weeks ago
PageEUSecWest 2010 - Fighting PDF malware with ExeFilter decalage013 years 25 weeks ago
PageOrigapy - a Python module to sanitize PDF files decalage313 years 26 weeks ago
PagePDFiD - a Python module to analyze and sanitize PDF files decalage013 years 44 weeks ago
PageHow to install Ruby 1.8.6 and Ruby-GTK2 on Windows decalage013 years 45 weeks ago
PageSSTIC10 - Visualization and Dynamic Risk Assessment for Cyber Defence decalage013 years 45 weeks ago
Pagepyxmldsig - a Python module to create and verify XML Digital Signatures (XML-DSig) decalage013 years 46 weeks ago
PageHow to obtain the binary representation of an integer in Python decalage013 years 46 weeks ago
PageSSTIC03 - Malware and file formats decalage013 years 47 weeks ago
StoryExeFilter vs. the Escape from PDF (CVE-2010-1240) decalage014 years 4 days ago
PageUsing XML-DSig and OpenSSL in Python decalage014 years 11 weeks ago
book pageMS Office Open XML formats security (docx, xslx, pptx, ...) decalage014 years 19 weeks ago
book pageODF / OpenDocument format security decalage014 years 20 weeks ago
PagepyClamd - use ClamAV antivirus from Python decalage014 years 20 weeks ago
PageHow to display standard file icons in wxPython on Windows decalage014 years 20 weeks ago
StoryWindows Offline Update tool decalage014 years 20 weeks ago
PageA mini Python tutorial decalage014 years 28 weeks ago
PagePython crash course decalage014 years 28 weeks ago
StoryUsing ExeFilter against PDF exploits and zero-days such as CVE-2009-4324 decalage014 years 28 weeks ago
PageHow to run Ruby code from Python (Python-Ruby bridge) decalage014 years 32 weeks ago
Pagexfl - a Python module to create and compare file lists in XML decalage014 years 43 weeks ago
PageOpenOffice / OpenDocument and MS Office 2007 / Open XML security decalage014 years 43 weeks ago
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PageBlindFTP - one-way file transfer for a network data diode decalage014 years 43 weeks ago
PageUseful links about Python decalage014 years 44 weeks ago