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TypePostAuthorRepliesLast updated
PageCanSecWest08 - ExeFilter decalage013 years 10 weeks ago
PageEUSecWest 2010 - Fighting PDF malware with ExeFilter decalage013 years 11 weeks ago
PageOrigapy - a Python module to sanitize PDF files decalage313 years 11 weeks ago
PagePDFiD - a Python module to analyze and sanitize PDF files decalage013 years 30 weeks ago
PageHow to install Ruby 1.8.6 and Ruby-GTK2 on Windows decalage013 years 31 weeks ago
PageSSTIC10 - Visualization and Dynamic Risk Assessment for Cyber Defence decalage013 years 31 weeks ago
Pagepyxmldsig - a Python module to create and verify XML Digital Signatures (XML-DSig) decalage013 years 32 weeks ago
PageHow to obtain the binary representation of an integer in Python decalage013 years 32 weeks ago
PageSSTIC03 - Malware and file formats decalage013 years 33 weeks ago
StoryExeFilter vs. the Escape from PDF (CVE-2010-1240) decalage013 years 38 weeks ago
PageUsing XML-DSig and OpenSSL in Python decalage013 years 49 weeks ago
book pageMS Office Open XML formats security (docx, xslx, pptx, ...) decalage014 years 5 weeks ago
book pageODF / OpenDocument format security decalage014 years 6 weeks ago
PagepyClamd - use ClamAV antivirus from Python decalage014 years 6 weeks ago
PageHow to display standard file icons in wxPython on Windows decalage014 years 6 weeks ago
StoryWindows Offline Update tool decalage014 years 6 weeks ago
PageA mini Python tutorial decalage014 years 14 weeks ago
PagePython crash course decalage014 years 14 weeks ago
StoryUsing ExeFilter against PDF exploits and zero-days such as CVE-2009-4324 decalage014 years 14 weeks ago
PageHow to run Ruby code from Python (Python-Ruby bridge) decalage014 years 18 weeks ago
Pagexfl - a Python module to create and compare file lists in XML decalage014 years 29 weeks ago
PageOpenOffice / OpenDocument and MS Office 2007 / Open XML security decalage014 years 29 weeks ago
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PageBlindFTP - one-way file transfer for a network data diode decalage014 years 29 weeks ago
PageUseful links about Python decalage014 years 30 weeks ago